The following Conditions are related to Lack of ovulation

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Chiari frommel syndrome

    Chiari-Frommel Syndrome is a rare endocrine disorder that affects women who have recently given birth (postpartum) and is characterized by the over-production of breast milk (galactorrhea), lack of ovulation (anovulation), and the absence of regular menstrual periods (amenorrhea). In Chiari-Frommel Syndrome, these symptoms persist long (for more than six months) after childbirth. The absence of normal hormonal cycles may result in reduced size  Read More

  • Frommel-chiari syndrome

    Chiari-Frommel Syndrome is a rare endocrine disorder that affects women who have recently given birth (postpartum) and is characterized by the over-production of breast milk (galactorrhea), lack of ovulation (anovulation), and the absence of regular menstrual periods (amenorrhea). In Chiari-Frommel Syndrome, these symptoms persist long (for more than six months) after childbirth. The absence of normal hormonal cycles may result in reduced size  Read More